Wednesday 1 June 2011


Hahahha.... have to write but no idea. Pleaseeee... Pleassseee... OK. Here it goes..

I love travelling... so where did I go??? According to my mum dah 15 countries? Ye ke?? Let me count :-

  1. USA - Of course lah coz me study kat sini dulu... and recently I went there again
  2. CANADA - Me study kat Michigan. Dekat lah nak gi Canada
  3. CHINA - A few times.. holidays dan biz trip. Which part of China? Beijing, Chengdu, Dalian, Nixia emmm.. mana lagi eh?? Tak ingat pulak dah
  4. INDONESIA - Medan, Bali, Jakarta, Bandung, Padang, Jakarta lagi... dan Bandung lagi...Jakarta lagi. Hehehe.. I also have my cousin staying in Jakarta and me also have office in Jakarta.
  5. THAILAND - Bangkok dan Pattaya?? ye kot.. ehmm... teringat nasi goreng pattaya pulak
  6. VIETNAM - Ho Chi Minh. Program Lawatan Sambil Belajar dan Kebajikan bersama orang Muslim di Ho Chi Minh
  7. FILIPINA - Manila. on biz trip... eksport halal products ke Manila
  8. SINGAPORE - Me dulu sekolah kat JB. Sekolah Tun Fatimah so memang dekat sangat dengan Singapore. And last few years I went there again mainly to visit Yayasan Mendaki. Sebuah yayasan yang ditubuhkan untuk membantu orang Melayu di Singapore
  9. SOUTH AFRICA - Cape Town. Inilah tempat yang I rasa paling cantik. Ada orang kata biasa ajer.. tapi ntahlah.. I suka pemandangannya.
  10. INDIA - Biz trip to Bangalore and Chennai.. Ok.. Cuma bila keluar dari airport rasa macam bintang Bollywood pulak.. Ramai betul orang kat arrival hall...
  11. MESIR - Biz trip gak.. Ke Cairo dan Sharm Al Sheikh
  12. QATAR - Short trip. Actually transit 13 hours. So sempatlah jugak jalan jalan kat pasar yang banyak jual kain dan souvenir. bought very nice cotton cloth
  13. FRANCE - Biz trip and holidays... Holidays d Paris.. on our own.. so ok lah walau tak de tourist guide. Cannes, French Riviera - biz trip
  14. UK - London... Rasa macam nak buka restaurant je kat sana. InsyaAllah
  15. HOLLAND - Amsterdam.. OK lah
  16. BELGIUM - Emmmmmm... I love Belgian Waffle very much.... with strawberry... Sedaapnnya. Rasa macam nak fly ti Belgium and grab the waffle and go back to Malaysia. Boleh ke buat macam tu? hehehehe... Dalam mimpi boleh lah
  17. ITALY - 2 times in Italy. 1st time cuma kat Rome jer... 2nd time Rome and Florence... Banyak lagi nak kena explore. Menarik. I love Spaghetti
  18. JAPAN -
  19. AUSTRALIA - Rombongan Puteri Selangor ke Perth and again in Feb 2011 I went there.. Perth. My friend and I bawa our beloved mum. Tempat pun tak bz .. Sesuai untuk Bonda
  20. HONG KONG - Kejap jer.. 6 hours
  21. DUBAI
  22. TURKEY - Com trip
Wow.. 23 countries? Ada lagi ker?? Emmmmm... Rasanya itu aje kot.

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